So a little while between posts, but I’ve been very busy working on a new series these past few months. Many of you know my main interest lies in street photography and urban landscapes. Stylistically, I’ve taken a slightly more simplistic and graphic approach with these images.
Essentially, the goal of minimal photography is to be eye pleasing, with a very careful consideration of what should be part of the photo and what should be left out. Living in Melbourne has led me to become an urban photographer and some of the architecture is perfectly suited for this genre of photography. I’m also interested in exploring photomontage techniques as seen with the image below.
RMIT Building
When I go out hunting for minimal urban photos I tend to favour a simple sky, ideally blue and free from clouds. That guarantees a smooth background which is less distracting. Then I look for a single something I can isolate against that plain background, usually a section of a building, a sign or simple concrete shapes.
When my focus leans towards architecture, I search for buildings with repetitive elements, simple lines and interesting patterns. Through careful composition I aim to reduce the elements of the photograph to basic form and design.
Royal Melbourne Hospital
The minimalist images bring attention to symmetry, lines and patterns prevalent in the urban landscape. The images selected illustrate how exploring lines, structures and space rejects the banality of city scenes, reforming them into inspiring collages of geometric shapes. This an ongoing series I intend to continue exploring throughout the year. Stay tuned!